33+ Ancient Greek Naming Conventions
Background. Here is information on ancient greek and roman names and naming conventions, such as the tria nomina and demotics. The study of ancient greek personal names is a branch of onomastics, the study of names, and more specifically of anthroponomastics, the study of names of persons.
Feminine form of greek adonis, meaning she who fights dragons..
Greece was in the homeric age at this time, so named due to the poems attributed to homer, the iliad, and the odyssey, which give us an image of the greek middle ages, a dark and legendary period of greek. That is, those that can be used. For some people, life in greece was good, and many lived in busy towns and cities. Ancient greek entries follow the scholarly convention with regards to the capitalization of letters, with most words appearing in all lower case letters and proper the |from= parameter accepts the ancient greek dialect names that have files in module:labels/data/subvarieties;